All Posts tagged healthy weight loss

Get Ready to Lose Weight!!

Timing out Weight Loss

Losing weight often tops our list of New Year’s resolutions. Whether we’re trying to drop five dress sizes or just shed a couple extra pounds, the goal to get rid of the chub is definitely a worth-while aspiration. Luckily, the OPTIFAST weight loss program can help you achieve your goals and work towards becoming a healthier and fitter you.


Art of Weight Maintenance

Stay Zen as you lose weight in New Jersey

Picture yourself riding along a railway track countless miles long. Though the sights you see from the track gradually change as you move along, the track itself is always the same, never widening or narrowing. Just as the track has no starting point, it also has no end, no greater goal to attain—to run along the track is itself the purpose.


Beware of Imposter Health Foods

For weight loss, read nutrition labels

With constant buzzing of what’s new and popular in terms of health foods today, making health- conscious, wise decisions at the grocery store is an important aspect to your weight loss. New Jersey weight loss patients need to make sure they know the facts about possible health food scams before giving them the green-light at the grocery store. Remember, manufacturers are trying to make a profit, and you are their number one target!


Vitamin D Linked with Weight Loss Success


According to the results of a recent study, sufficient levels of vitamin D may be linked to successful weight loss in New Jersey. Researchers discovered this link after conducting a study involving 38 men and women for an 11 week period. Those who had a higher level of vitamin D at the onset of the diet program were more successful with their weight loss efforts overall.


Finding What Motivates You Most

Preparing for Medical Weight Loss in New Jersey

It can be hard to stay motivated as you are trying to lose weight. After spending an entire day hungry, thinking about creative ways to cook vegetables as you avoid the donuts in the office lounge motivation often seems to disappear. One reason that you may have trouble staying motivated to lose weight is because […]


Lose Weight by Cutting Out Mid-Morning Snack


As part of a successful program for medical weight loss New Jersey, your weight loss doctor will likely recommend that you both cut the amount of calories that you consume and also exercise more. One way to cut calories from your diet is to reduce the amount of snacks that you are eating. According to […]


Using Nutrition to Lose Weight


In order to lose weight, your body must be properly fueled. If your body isn’t receiving the proper nutrition, then it will convert any food it does get into fat and store it in case of starvation. Here’s how to use proper nutrition to help you lose weight.


Ten Tips to Boost Your Metabolism, Lose Weight, and Transform Your Body

Burn Fat and Maintain Muscle Mass

If you want to change your physical body, lose belly fat, and boost your metabolism, consider resistant strength training. Having more muscle helps you to burn more calories than those that have more fat. Building muscle can increase metabolism, helping you to transform your body and feel great!


A Guide to Ingredient Substitutions for Weight Loss

Preparing for Medical Weight Loss in New Jersey

A few simple changes in the way you prepare your favorite foods can make a big difference in your health and make you smile when you step on the scale. The best part is you can still eat the foods you enjoy without sacrificing taste. The solution is simple: you will be healthier and lose belly fat if you eat a well-balanced diet.


A Guide to Super Vegetables and Fruits

4 Reasons Why People Gain the Weight Back After Dieting

Most of us in New Jersey were brought up hearing “five a day” in regard to servings of fruits and vegetables. Now, however, the Centers for Disease Control are telling us seven servings a day is better. We all know we could use more fruits and vegetables in our diet, but which kinds provide the greatest health benefits and the most help with weight loss?
