Patient Success Stories

Rich: 80 Pound Lost

Rich: 80 Pound Lost

When Rich came to our office about 6 months ago, he weighed 320 pounds; he was tired all the time and was falling asleep at his work desk. According to his wife, he snored loudly all night and stopped breathing many times. He could not climb one flight of stairs without huffing and puffing. Rich […]


Marnie: 40 Pound Lost

Marnie: 40 Pound Lost

I never developed good eating habits or had any sense of portion size as I was always thin as a child and young adult. After gaining weight in my 30s & 40s, I tried everything – Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, diet meal delivery services, fasting… I had trouble sticking to it and the weight loss […]

*The success stories depicted in this section are representative of these individuals only. Individual results may vary.