All Posts tagged Calories Avoid weight loss

Keys to Weight Watchers Success by Mdslim.Com

Get Motivated to Lose Weight

The OPTIFAST program can be a valuable learning experience that can set you up for long-term weight loss success. Together with the support of your medical weight loss doctor, the Optifast program creates an experience that highlights the fundamental aspects of successful weight loss, and can show you how you can transition to a healthier […]


Mdslim – Fitness & Gardening

The First Steps with OPTIFAST

It can be hard to squeeze enough physical activity into your busy day. Sometimes, one of the best methods can be to incorporate exercise into other activities you enjoy. Starting a garden can give you peaceful downtime from daily stress while giving you a good aerobic workout. This is the perfect time to start a […]


Why do we Need Fiber in Our Body

Low Glycemic Foods

Are you trying to lose weight but find yourself constantly battling hunger pains? You may not be getting enough fiber in your diet. Fiber helps you stay full longer, which helps you to cut back on extra calories by resisting the urge to snack or overeat. Fiber is a complex carbohydrate that keeps blood sugar […]


Lose Weight Naturally –

Finding Your Reason to Lose Weight

Why Should I Lose Weight? This is a question that only you can answer for yourself. There are all sorts of reasons why losing weight is recommended for people who are overweight or obese, but breaking down these reasons into motivational factors based on what impacts you personally is something only you can do. When […]


Why Yoga is an Extremely Effective for Lose Weight

Yoga for Medical Weight Loss

During your medical weight loss program in New Jersey you’ll be focusing on making positive lifestyle changes including dietary changes and implanting an exercise routine into your weekly schedule. Exercise isn’t always the easiest transition to commit to, however your weight loss doctor will work with you to determine the best exercise option to suit […]


Mdslim – Mindful Eating will Help You Lose Weight


Have you ever been sitting in front of the television with a snack, and before you know it, the entire snack is gone and you don’t even remember eating it? You might still feel that tinge of hunger, so you get up, grab another snack and sit back down in front of the television to […]


How to Tell the Difference Between Hunger and Cravings?

Identifying the Difference Between Hunger and Cravings

It can be difficult to understand the difference between hunger and cravings, and many people sabotage their weight loss efforts by giving into cravings because they think they are hungry. Once you can discern between feelings of hunger and cravings, it becomes easier to lose weight because you will be able to avoid eating when […]


Low Calorie & Fast Food Menu

Make Workouts for Weight Loss in New Jersey a Habit

Between hectic work schedules and day to day family needs, many of us do not have time to cook a healthy meal every night, and instead are often left to search the menus for a low calorie alternative. Many restaurants are helping out by posting their calorie counts directly on the menu, but if you […]


Obese People Taste Fat Differently Than Lean People

maintain weigt

As the obesity epidemic continues to cause concern among weight loss doctors, scientists take a closer look at why some people are more likely to engage in behavior that leads to obesity. A recent study looked at overeating and eating foods that are loaded with fat and calories.


Does Muscle Really Weigh More Than Fat – Mdslim

Myths & Facts Behind Fat & Muscle

There are myths about fat and muscle that have been circulating for a while. They confuse and discourage people trying to lose weight because they don’t see the results they’re expecting. Below are two myths and facts that will help you understand what muscle and fat are. Myth #1: Muscle can turn to fat (or […]
