All Posts tagged Faster Weight Loss

The Calorie Difference: Why Certain Foods Promote Faster Weight Loss


When it comes to weight loss, it is important to understand that there is a difference between the types of calories that you consume. Some people mistakenly think that it doesn’t matter what they are eating, because all calories are created equal. But the truth is that certain types of calories make it easier for […]


4 Great Sources of Fiber to Blunt Hunger Pains

Fiber Food For Weight Loss

Always find hunger gets the best of you on your weight loss programs? For most people, hunger is what can send them spiraling out of control, eating far more food than they should. They’re following one of the weight loss programs they’ve chosen fine but the minute hunger strikes, all bets are off. If you […]


The Five P’s of a Positive Eating Style

Learning Better Portions with OPTIFAST

The OPTIFAST weight loss program promotes weight loss by replacing your existing diet with low-calorie, nutrient dense meal replacement products. But it is not just the products that inspire weight loss. To follow the OPTIFAST program you have to adjust your behavior, and that means adopting new habits that will encourage a healthier eating style.


Lose Weight While Erasing Years

Fall Tips for Medical Weight Loss

Are you spending more and more money on cosmetics and surgery hoping to stop the aging process? Has excess weight become a problem with aging also? You can feel better, healthy lose weight in Denville and slow the aging process by following simple diet tips and focusing on nutrition. Nutrients are a crucial part to […]


Health Benefits of Leafy Greens


Leafy greens are healthy and delicious, but too many people forget to include them in their diet. Spinach, kale, broccoli and cabbage are high in fiber, low in calories, and deliver a good portion of your daily RDA for several vitamins.


BMI and Waist Size May Predict Risk of Cardiovascular Death

Stay Zen as you lose weight in New Jersey

Weight has a negative impact on the whole body. This is especially true for the overweight, obese, and morbidly obese. The European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation reports that patients with extra abdominal fat and a high Body Mass Index (BMI), such as the overweight and obese, may have three or four times higher risk of a cardiovascular related death. Additionally, patients with these conditions have twice the rate of non-fatal cardiovascular disease over a period of ten years.
