All Posts tagged optifast weight loss

The Calorie Difference: Why Certain Foods Promote Faster Weight Loss


When it comes to weight loss, it is important to understand that there is a difference between the types of calories that you consume. Some people mistakenly think that it doesn’t matter what they are eating, because all calories are created equal. But the truth is that certain types of calories make it easier for […]


4 Steps to Boost Your Metabolism

4 Steps to Boost Your Metabolism

One of the key components to rapid and safe weight loss is boosting your metabolism, because a boosted metabolism will work throughout the day to help you get rid of excess fat. Here are a few effective steps that you can follow to increase the number of calories that you are burning: Eat a Clean Diet […]


Why You Should Choose Low Glycemic Foods

Low Glycemic Foods

Whether you’re on a medical weight loss plan or just trying to eat healthier, one thing you must consider is the glycemic index of the foods you are consuming. . The lower the glycemic index of a food you eat, the slower the breakdown occurs. There are many important implications to this that you should […]


Hydration Facts


Hydration is one of the most important aspects of a healthy and active medical weight loss program. Keeping your body well-hydrated will give your body the care and energy it needs to stay up and active throughout the day. Here are some well-known assumptions about hydration and the truths behind them.


Get More Flexible With Your Workout Routine

Get More Flexible With Your Workout Routine

Exercise can be a great way to improve your appearance, enhance self-esteem, and ensure your future health. While exercise can be beneficial, it is important to combine physical exercise with a healthy diet. One way to incorporate a healthy diet into your lifestyle is through a meal replacement program that features OPTIFAST.


Get Your Groove On

Get Your Groove On

For all of its benefits, a treadmill isn’t a very inspirational piece of equipment. Sure, you know you can walk on it for 30 minutes to an hour at the gym, but this isn’t a workout that is easy to get excited about. A good workout isn’t limited to the confines of the gym, and not all workouts require cardio equipment and hand weights. There are ways that you can push yourself to be more active at home, at work or even on your commute. All you need is a little music.


Walking with Optifast

Walking with OPTIFAST in New Jersey

The OPTIFAST weight loss plan takes a lot of the complication out of following a healthy diet. By replacing your existing diet with the OPTIFAST products you’ll be able to cut calories, eat smaller portions and still get all of the nutrients you need to stay healthy. This makes up about half of the weight loss equation. There is still the behavioral element to consider, which includes your attitude, willingness to stick to your diet plan and yes, your exercise habits.


The Optifast Weight Loss Transition

The OPTIFAST Transition

After several weeks following the OPTIFAST weight loss program, the transition period begins. The transition phase is designed to slowly reintroduce traditional foods to your diet so that you can explore healthy ways of eating while still using the OPTIFAST products to help you maintain control over what you eat.


The ABCs of Fitness

The ABCs of Fitness for Weight Loss in New Jersey

For weight loss in New Jersey you need to do more than follow your medical weight loss diet plan. To get the most out of your weight loss program you need to work out regularly, and this means making fitness a regular component of your day to day lifestyle.


Lose Weight in the Fresh Air

Lose Weight in the Fresh Air

It is just about that time of year again. As usual, March came in like a lion, but as the weather starts to warm up it will go out like a lamb and the signs of spring will be everywhere. This is the best time of year to rededicate yourself to your weight loss goals in New Jersey. As the birds start to chirp and the trees come back to life, it’s time to think of all the ways you can improve your fitness by getting outside and becoming more active.
