All Posts tagged optifast weight loss

3 Things To Do Before Starting OPTIFAST

OPTIFAST Medical Weight Loss Program Hackensack New Jersey

If you’re gearing up to get started on an OPTIFAST Program  to help you torch body fat and become a confident new you, there are a few things that you should be doing beforehand to ensure that you are heading toward success. Some people sadly don’t prepare enough for the journey ahead of them and […]


The Benefits of Using a Meal Replacement Shake Such as Optifast

Optifast program

Looking for success on a medical weight loss program?.More and more people are realizing the terrific weight loss results they can see on such an approach and many continue to use the shakes even into weight maintenance to prevent weight regain. So why should you consider Optifast?  Here are a few of the main reasons. […]


Lose Weight & Build Brain Power –

Building Brain Power with OPTIFAST

A lot of people focus on the way their body looks as they lose weight, and for good reason. The size of your waist line may change dramatically as you follow your Optifast program new jersey, and this is something that people will notice about you. However, that isn’t the only change you can look […]


Health Benefits of Gluten Free Diet

Gluten Free and Weight loss

If you’ve been reading up on the latest trends in the nutrition and optifast weight loss industry, it’s no secret that ‘gluten free’ eating is catching on rapidly. More and more individuals are starting to adopt this way of eating, sacrificing so many of the foods they love. Bread, pasta, cereals, even non-grain based foods […]


Learning Better Portions with Optifast Medical Weight Loss Program

Learning Better Portions with OPTIFAST

In recent years portion sizes have exploded. We drink about 20 percent more soda today than we did 15 years ago. Soda consumption is heavier among children and adults than it has ever been before, and most people aren’t just sipping on fizz without something to accompany it. Portions of French fries are significantly larger now than they once were, and burgers, pizzas and even chicken nuggets have kept in step with the rising sizes of portions.


Finding Control with OPTIFAST weight loss programs

weight loss programs

Self-control refers to the level of restraint you hold over your own impulses, thoughts and behaviors. When it comes to losing weight, there are many who claim they have little to no self-control. This most often comes out in the form of unhealthy eating habits, like:


Complete Weight Loss Steps with Optifast

Tracking Weight Loss with OPTIFAST

Whatever you wish to accomplish in life, there are three fundamental steps you’ll have to take to get there. Set your goals Make a plan Monitor your progress as you set those plans in motion At the onset of your Optifast weight loss program you and your weight loss doctor will make a realistic goal […]


Optifast Diet Overview


Joining together for food and drink is one of the most fundamental aspects of human interaction. We crave socialization and friendship almost as we crave foods. We meet with friends and family members to find support and encouragement, to laugh and to cry, and to feel connected with another person for at least a short […]


Medical Weight Loss Program New Jersey

Tracking Weight Loss with OPTIFAST

Although some people want to lose weight for a special event, most people who start a weight loss plan are looking for long-term results. We want to lose weight once and keep it off for life. Permanent weight loss success is the result of lifestyle changes and creating new habits, not short-term diets. Use these […]


Learn the Art of Weight Maintenance – Dr. Anjana Chhabra

Springtime Sipping with OPTIFAST

Picture yourself riding along a railway track countless miles long. Though the sights you see from the track gradually change as you move along, the track itself is always the same, never widening or narrowing. Just as the track has no starting point, it also has no end, no greater goal to attain—to run along […]
