Weight Loss Tips

Keys to Weight Watchers Success by Mdslim.Com

Get Motivated to Lose Weight

The OPTIFAST program can be a valuable learning experience that can set you up for long-term weight loss success. Together with the support of your medical weight loss doctor, the Optifast program creates an experience that highlights the fundamental aspects of successful weight loss, and can show you how you can transition to a healthier […]


Setting Goals with OPTIFAST

optifast program

When you are preparing to go on vacation, how do you think about the destination? Do you think about it casually, deciding that you’ll drive in the general direction until you reach something interesting? Probably not. Chances are you put more thought into where you are going instead of the experience of flying or driving there. Sure, the journey is part of the experience—but it’s the destination that you are working towards.


Mdslim – How to Work Out When It’s Cold and Dark

2 Essential Factors for Weight Loss Success

Do you lose your motivation to workout when it is cold outside? Many people have the desire to stay active throughout the year, but their fitness levels decrease when the temperatures drop. Whether you are on a medical weight loss plan or you are trying to lose weight on your own, it is important that […]


Important Steps to Setting Your Weight Loss Goals

4 Steps to Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

Are you getting ready to start a new weight loss medications? Make sure that you set yourself up for success by following these four steps to achieve your weight loss goals: Step 1: Put Together a Structured Plan In order to meet your goals, you need to know exactly what those goals are and the […]


Simple Ways to Get Motivated to Lose Weight

Get Motivated to Lose Weight

Motivation is an internal drive of enthusiasm and interest that encourages a person to accomplish something. It is defined as a social, cognitive, biological or emotional force that instigates and directs a behavior in a certain direction. Motivation is what drives you to succeed, to accomplish the goals set in front of you and to […]


Mdslim – Fitness & Gardening

The First Steps with OPTIFAST

It can be hard to squeeze enough physical activity into your busy day. Sometimes, one of the best methods can be to incorporate exercise into other activities you enjoy. Starting a garden can give you peaceful downtime from daily stress while giving you a good aerobic workout. This is the perfect time to start a […]


Optifast Weight loss programs central New Jersey

OPTIFAST weight loss

When you are preparing to go on vacation, how do you think about the destination? Do you think about it casually, deciding that you’ll drive in the general direction until you reach something interesting? Probably not. Chances are you put more thought into where you are going instead of the experience of flying or driving […]


How to Lose Weight Fast and Keep it Off?

maintain weigt

Have you ever lost weight, and then found that within a few months the extra pounds started to creep back on again?  In fact, it has been found that weight loss “yo-yoing” can be dangerous for your health. If you are carrying extra weight, then you should be working to lose that weight as quickly […]


Why do we Need Fiber in Our Body

Low Glycemic Foods

Are you trying to lose weight but find yourself constantly battling hunger pains? You may not be getting enough fiber in your diet. Fiber helps you stay full longer, which helps you to cut back on extra calories by resisting the urge to snack or overeat. Fiber is a complex carbohydrate that keeps blood sugar […]


The Truth about Enhanced Water

The Truth about Enhanced Water

We’ve all seen the advertisements and the shelves at the supermarket promoting new types of “healthier” waters that can do everything from boosting your immunity to revitalizing your entire body. Many of these products are also advertised as having zero calories. But what’s really in these new beverages that make them so good for you? Are they really even good for you at all?
