Weight Loss Tips

What Triggers Overeating?

What Triggers Overeating

Food is the sustenance of life. Your body requires nutrients to thrive, and we get those nutrients through our diets. However, your body only requires so much food before it is satisfied. When you eat too much, most excess nutrients are discarded as waste while some are put into storage, waiting for the chance to be used as energy at a future date.


How do I get the Willpower to Lose Weight?

Stay Positive for Medical Weight Loss by Letting the Anger Go

If you’re just getting started with weight loss you’ve likely given a lot of thought to your individual weight loss goals. Perhaps these are milestones you’ve dreamed of reaching for years before beginning medical weight loss, or maybe they’re the landmarks you discussed with Dr. Chhabra during your initial consultation—regardless, keeping your goals within easy […]


Mdslim – Stretching and Flexibility

Stretching Your Way To Fitness

Stretching is overlooked more often than it should. Stretching can help improve the range of motion on a joint, decrease risk of injury, and improve athletic performance for those in sports. Benefits of stretching Stretching helps improve flexibility. It keeps your muscles healthy by increasing blood flow to them. Stretching warms up your muscles and […]


Does Muscle Really Weigh More Than Fat – Mdslim

Myths & Facts Behind Fat & Muscle

There are myths about fat and muscle that have been circulating for a while. They confuse and discourage people trying to lose weight because they don’t see the results they’re expecting. Below are two myths and facts that will help you understand what muscle and fat are. Myth #1: Muscle can turn to fat (or […]


Best Exercise to Lose Weight Fast – Mdslim

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If you are looking for the most effective way to lose weight, then you need to consider the types of exercise that you are including in your daily and weekly routine. There are many different kinds of exercise to choose from, and some forms of exercise are better than others for rapid and safe weight […]


Mdslim – Different Types of Walking for Exercise


We all know how to walk—one foot in front of the other, etc. It’s a simple, relaxing and effective way to exercise. During medical weight loss programs, walking is a great way to stay in shape and continue to work towards your weight loss goals. But following the same walking routine day after day can […]


How Much Weight Can i Lose if i Stop Drinking Soda!!

Lose Weight without the Soda

During your OPTIFAST weight loss program in New Jersey, say “good-bye!” to the soda. Soda has gotten a pretty bad reputation over the past couple of years. What started as a sweet treat for children and adults to enjoy occasionally is now a staple of the American diet. The carbonated, sugar-packed beverage is easily found […]


Medical Weight Loss Program New Jersey

Tracking Weight Loss with OPTIFAST

Although some people want to lose weight for a special event, most people who start a weight loss plan are looking for long-term results. We want to lose weight once and keep it off for life. Permanent weight loss success is the result of lifestyle changes and creating new habits, not short-term diets. Use these […]


What Motivates You to Exercise??

Charity Calls Get Active for a Cause

What motivates you to exercise? Increasing your physical activity level offers a collection of health benefits. It improves heart health, enhances blood circulation and can even offer some improvements to mental health, helping to prevent depression and manage stress. Being active is part of a healthy strategy for long-term weight management, and is encouraged after […]


Mdslim – Stay Motivated and Reach Your Goal?

Make Exercise Exciting for Weight Loss in New Jersey

Exercise: it’s what will maintain your progress with weight loss New Jersey, helping you burn calories and build strength to keep excess weight from coming back. Unfortunately, the typical exercise routine is far from exciting—few people actually enjoy spending 30 mindless minutes on a treadmill each day, and this can make it difficult to stay […]
