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Medical Weight Loss on the Menu

Eating out is tough during a medical weight loss program. New Jersey is home to a wide array of fine restaurants, but once you dedicate yourself to losing weight those enjoyable nights out at a local eatery may seem worlds away. Even after you complete your medical weight loss program you will need to maintain healthy eating habits—and this is admittedly difficult to do when ordering from a menu.


Rachel: Weight Loss Success

Through the years, I’ve always struggled with my weight. There was a point in my life that I thought that having a few extra pounds was “normal.” I have always been a picky eater and not too much of a big eater during dinner or lunch so I thought I was fine. This was until two and a half years ago when I was at my lowest point. The stresses on my personal life and at work made me gain 35 pounds in only one mere month.


Stay Hydrated for Medical Weight Loss

It’s easy to remember to drink water when it’s warm out. As you sweat and trudge through the heat, your body reminds you with every step that you are in need of a drink. Though hot weather makes us need more water than we would otherwise, the bottom line is that your body needs water whatever the temperature is. In New Jersey, medical weight loss will help you change your diet and exercise habits, but it is up to you to drink enough water every day to sustain your new healthy lifestyle.


Joe: Weight Loss Success

Losing weight has never been easier than it had been using the plan that was provided by Dr. Chhabra. The staff had been excellent and has always been there to answer any questions or concerns that I had and kept me motivated throughout the process. The shakes and bars were surprisingly good and also very filling. After several years of trying unsuccessful diets I have finally found the answer to my weight loss. Thank you for all your help and guidance.


New Jersey into a Network of Weight Loss Support – Mdslim

The notion of using your lifelines was made famous by the many trivia style game shows on television. The contestant might be sitting in an auditorium working their way up to being a “millionaire” or driving around in a taxi, but one thing remains pretty constant across these shows—the contestant isn’t expected to do it all on their own. They can phone a friend or ask a complete stranger on the side of the road for some support. The kindness of a stranger or the wisdom of a good friend can keep them on track to continue working towards their goal—the grand prize.


Healthy Fall Weight Loss Tips

The leaves are falling, pumpkins are making their appearance on doorsteps and the kids are back in school. Fall is officially here, and with that comes the end of those summer weight loss plans. While the weather is warm we all plan on being outside, walking every day and using the vacation season to make the most of our medical weight loss programs.


Michelle: 84 Pounds Lost

Hi, I am Michelle. I joined the Institute for Weight Management on March 2010. I have lost 84 lbs. since then. I am so happy with my progress and intend to continue the program. My lifestyle has changed completely since I started. I stick to my diet and have been walking every day! I come for weekly weigh ins and enjoy my visit with the doctor and find it very helpful to talk with her and the staff.


Low-Hanging Fruit: Picking Practical Weight Loss Goals

If you’re just getting started with medical weight loss in New Jersey, you’ve likely given a lot of thought to your individual weight loss goals. Perhaps these are milestones you’ve dreamed of reaching for years before beginning medical weight loss, or maybe they’re the landmarks you discussed with Dr. Chhabra during your initial consultation—regardless, keeping your goals within easy reach is one of the best ways to stay motivated and enthusiastic about your continuing progress.


Meghan: 75 Pounds Lost

I chose to start the OPTIFAST “diet” on Dec. 4, 2011 after celebrating my 30th birthday and realizing I was at the heaviest I have ever been. I can honestly say this was the best decision I have ever made. The first two weeks were difficult but I found maintaining a schedule of my meals (I only ate the meal/ snack bars and the shakes) and exercise helped a great deal in keeping me motivated. Now, 9 months later, I have lost 75.5 pounds and have never felt better!


Art of Weight Maintenance

Picture yourself riding along a railway track countless miles long. Though the sights you see from the track gradually change as you move along, the track itself is always the same, never widening or narrowing. Just as the track has no starting point, it also has no end, no greater goal to attain—to run along the track is itself the purpose.
