All Posts tagged Weight Loss Success

Essential Factors for Weight Loss


When a person is trying to lose weight, it is common to get stuck in the rut of focusing on the wrong things in their diet. Instead of getting side-tracked by habits and foods that don’t really matter, you might consider talking with a weight loss physician to learn more about the factors that will […]


3 Ways a Medical Weight Loss Program Can Help You Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau

3 Ways a Medical Weight Loss Program Can Help You Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau

There is nothing more frustrating than hitting a weight loss plateau. Have you experienced some weight loss success, but recently found that you are having a hard time getting past a certain number on the scale? A medical weight loss program might the answer that you need so that you can overcome your weight loss […]


Marnie: 40 Pound Lost

Marnie: 40 Pound Lost

I never developed good eating habits or had any sense of portion size as I was always thin as a child and young adult. After gaining weight in my 30s & 40s, I tried everything – Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, diet meal delivery services, fasting… I had trouble sticking to it and the weight loss […]


Bill: 40 Pounds Lost

Bill D Weight Loss Success

I have been seeing Dr. Chhabra at the Institute for Weight Management for over nine months. I lost approximately 40 lbs. and have been able to maintain my current weight for the last two months. Dr. Chhabra and her staff provided me with the incentive and structure I needed to accomplish my goal for losing weight. Dr. Chhabra is extremely knowledgeable, caring and provided me with the motivation I needed to be successful in losing weight.


Tony: 68 Pounds Lost

Tony: 68 Pounds Lost

In early 2013 I came to the realization that I had ignored my health for way too long. At 56 years old I was living a sedentary life and at five-foot- eight-inches tall, and weighing 233 pounds, I was obviously obese… the mirror told me that every day. But it was a blood test that quantified how serious the situation was.
