All posts by Dr. Chhabra

Beware of Imposter Health Foods

For weight loss, read nutrition labels

With constant buzzing of what’s new and popular in terms of health foods today, making health- conscious, wise decisions at the grocery store is an important aspect to your weight loss. New Jersey weight loss patients need to make sure they know the facts about possible health food scams before giving them the green-light at the grocery store. Remember, manufacturers are trying to make a profit, and you are their number one target!


An Easy Ten-Minute Workout to Start Your Day

Burn Fat and Maintain Muscle Mass

Between all of your day to day responsibilities and your dreams of a social life, it may seem impossible to add a workout into your routine every day. In addition to your weight loss diet in New Jersey it is important to focus on increasing your activity level. So, on days where you know the gym just isn’t going to happen, try fitting in this simple ten minute workout routine.


How to Find Happiness in Unexpected Places

Make Workouts for Weight Loss in New Jersey a Habit

Whether it’s an unexpected bill in the mail, months of rain or stress over health issues, negativity can sap your strength and energy, not to mention your joy. Frequent bursts of negative energy can make weight loss in Denville an even more difficult task. Worry drains you of the ability to appreciate the small gifts life graces you with on a regular basis. Once you succumb to the pressure and climb on the merry-go-round of negativity, it begins to spin faster and faster until you feel as though you will never get off of it.


Vitamin D Linked with Weight Loss Success


According to the results of a recent study, sufficient levels of vitamin D may be linked to successful weight loss in New Jersey. Researchers discovered this link after conducting a study involving 38 men and women for an 11 week period. Those who had a higher level of vitamin D at the onset of the diet program were more successful with their weight loss efforts overall.


Finding What Motivates You Most

Preparing for Medical Weight Loss in New Jersey

It can be hard to stay motivated as you are trying to lose weight. After spending an entire day hungry, thinking about creative ways to cook vegetables as you avoid the donuts in the office lounge motivation often seems to disappear. One reason that you may have trouble staying motivated to lose weight is because […]


Lose Weight by Cutting Out Mid-Morning Snack


As part of a successful program for medical weight loss New Jersey, your weight loss doctor will likely recommend that you both cut the amount of calories that you consume and also exercise more. One way to cut calories from your diet is to reduce the amount of snacks that you are eating. According to […]


Fight Obesity with 5 Simple Tips

More and more people are finding themselves struggling with the ability to control their weight on a daily basis. Losing weight is difficult, and between a busy work week and the demands of family life many feel that it is impossible to fit in time to exercise and cook healthy meals. Medical weight loss in […]


Angela: 25 Pounds Lost

Angela: 25 Pounds Lost

I started coming to see Dr. Chhabra in July. I weighed close to 185 lbs. and was very uncomfortable with myself. I started losing weight almost immediately. I eat regular food and just follow Dr. Chhabra’s meal plan and advice. 3 months later, I have lost 25 lbs. I feel great and I know I […]


Exercise to Lose Weight


/If you want to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Sounds easy, right? If you are like other Denville medical weight loss program patients, however, you know first-hand just how hard it can be to actually burn more calories than you consume each day. Reducing food intake – and eliminating […]


Biagio and Gloria: 60 Pounds Lost

Biagios: 60 Pounds Lost

I was referred to Dr. Chhabra’s office by my lung doctor as I was recently diagnosed with Sleep Apnea. My lung doctor told me that if I lost some weight, I could get “rid” of the sleep apnea and I may not need to use my CPAP machine at night. I had tried numerous options on my own but none really worked. I began the Optifast diet in February and I started seeing results almost immediately. I lost 3-5 pounds almost every week!! After 3 weeks, My wife Gloria also joined the program. That helped a lot because now we were both doing it together. Both of us have lost over 60 pounds(total) and we are still losing!!
