Weight Loss Tips

Work Out to Change Your Appetite

Work Out to Change Your Appetite

There is a bit of truth to the old saying “worked up an appetite.” When you burn a lot of calories, whether it is through a long workout or a busy day running around town, your body is going to need sustenance to keep going. When you are focusing on weight loss, you want to cut down those calories so that you lose weight by making healthy food choices.


Benefits of Strength Training for Weight Loss

Benefits of Strength Training for Weight Loss

When you hear the words “strength training,” it may bring to mind an image of a large bodybuilder lifting huge weights in an attempt to pack on muscle mass faster than when the Hulk gets angry. If you’re trying to lose weight through medical weight loss, this may seem like the opposite of what you need, but strength training isn’t all about adding mass by pumping iron.


Hydration Facts


Hydration is one of the most important aspects of a healthy and active medical weight loss program. Keeping your body well-hydrated will give your body the care and energy it needs to stay up and active throughout the day. Here are some well-known assumptions about hydration and the truths behind them.


Is Your Gym the Perfect Fit?

Is Your Gym the Perfect Fit

Exercise is essential to your weight loss program, but jumping into a consistent workout routine isn’t always easy. You’ll need to ease yourself in slowly to avoid injury and frustration, a process that can be difficult if you haven’t dedicated yourself to daily workouts in the past.


Eat Clean & Lose Weight

Eat Clean, Lose Weight

During your OPTIFAST weight loss program you won’t have to think too much about the food choices you make. Your meals are pre-planned for you by a team of nutrition experts who have compiled a nutritionally sound meal into a low calorie meal substitute. Following your OPTIFAST program, you can still take advantage of these meal substitutes, but you’ll also want to start incorporating more traditional foods into your diet.


Get More Flexible With Your Workout Routine

Get More Flexible With Your Workout Routine

Exercise can be a great way to improve your appearance, enhance self-esteem, and ensure your future health. While exercise can be beneficial, it is important to combine physical exercise with a healthy diet. One way to incorporate a healthy diet into your lifestyle is through a meal replacement program that features OPTIFAST.


What Leads to Weight Loss Success?

What Leads to Weight Loss Success

The OPTIFAST weight loss program is inherently different from other weight loss programs. To start, it isn’t set up around unrealistic expectations. When you start an OPTIFAST program, you know what you are walking into. There is research and the program is science-based, which can help you create realistic expectations that will help you move forward on your path to ultimate wellness.


Timing out Weight Loss

Timing out Weight Loss

Everyone on this planet is graced with the same amount of time in each day, yet somehow it always seems like we never have quite enough. What you do with your time essentially defines who you are. Where you work, who you know, what you like—all of this can be summarized in how you spend your time, or so it should. More often than not, our time gets taken up doing things we feel we “have” to do, rather than with the things we “want” to do.


Improve Weight Loss Health by Gardening

Improve Weight Loss Health by Gardening

The key to sustained weight loss lies within an integrated approach that combines nutrition, self-help, fitness and wellness. As you begin to lose weight and make healthy lifestyle changes during your OPTIFAST program, you will want to incorporate some healthy activities that also combine the above aspects of a healthy weight loss journey.


Get Ready to Lose Weight!!

Timing out Weight Loss

Losing weight often tops our list of New Year’s resolutions. Whether we’re trying to drop five dress sizes or just shed a couple extra pounds, the goal to get rid of the chub is definitely a worth-while aspiration. Luckily, the OPTIFAST weight loss program can help you achieve your goals and work towards becoming a healthier and fitter you.
