All posts by Dr. Chhabra

What Leads to Weight Loss Success?

What Leads to Weight Loss Success

The OPTIFAST weight loss program is inherently different from other weight loss programs. To start, it isn’t set up around unrealistic expectations. When you start an OPTIFAST program, you know what you are walking into. There is research and the program is science-based, which can help you create realistic expectations that will help you move forward on your path to ultimate wellness.


Improve Weight Loss Health by Gardening

Improve Weight Loss Health by Gardening

The key to sustained weight loss lies within an integrated approach that combines nutrition, self-help, fitness and wellness. As you begin to lose weight and make healthy lifestyle changes during your OPTIFAST program, you will want to incorporate some healthy activities that also combine the above aspects of a healthy weight loss journey.


Workout Benefits of Dog Ownership!!

OPTIFAST The First Few Weeks

When you get home from work each day, is someone waiting patiently at the door to greet you? If you’re a dog owner, your favorite fuzzy friend probably comes bounding to the door the second your key turns in the lock, tail wagging frenetically as he tries, in his own way, to tell you just how much he missed you all day long.


Get Your Groove On

Get Your Groove On

For all of its benefits, a treadmill isn’t a very inspirational piece of equipment. Sure, you know you can walk on it for 30 minutes to an hour at the gym, but this isn’t a workout that is easy to get excited about. A good workout isn’t limited to the confines of the gym, and not all workouts require cardio equipment and hand weights. There are ways that you can push yourself to be more active at home, at work or even on your commute. All you need is a little music.


Tony: 68 Pounds Lost

Tony: 68 Pounds Lost

In early 2013 I came to the realization that I had ignored my health for way too long. At 56 years old I was living a sedentary life and at five-foot- eight-inches tall, and weighing 233 pounds, I was obviously obese… the mirror told me that every day. But it was a blood test that quantified how serious the situation was.


Eating with Others during your Optifast Program

Eating with Others during your OPTIFAST Program

Joining together for food and drink is one of the most fundamental aspects of human interaction. We crave socialization and friendship almost as we crave foods. We meet with friends and family members to find support and encouragement, to laugh and to cry, and to feel connected with another person for at least a short amount of time.


Walking with Optifast

Walking with OPTIFAST in New Jersey

The OPTIFAST weight loss plan takes a lot of the complication out of following a healthy diet. By replacing your existing diet with the OPTIFAST products you’ll be able to cut calories, eat smaller portions and still get all of the nutrients you need to stay healthy. This makes up about half of the weight loss equation. There is still the behavioral element to consider, which includes your attitude, willingness to stick to your diet plan and yes, your exercise habits.
