A while back I had a terrible case of Plantar Fasciitis that ended up requiring surgery making every step I took extremely painful. I gained a great deal of weight – the heaviest I have ever been. Then earlier this year I was diagnosed with an Auto Immune Disease and decided that to live the longest, healthiest life possible I needed to lose weight.
Hello, my name is Jane. This year, January 5th was truly the beginning of a “Happy New Year”. It is now October 5th, and I am sitting in Dr. Chhabra’s office but without my cane and without clothing purchased in a big and tall men’s shop! You can relax though-I am wearing some clothes-the ones I stored in my Guest room closet several years ago.
When I first came to the Institute for Weight Management (IWM) I was 389 lbs., Dr. Chhabra, it’s founder and presiding Doctor, once told me that people generally loose weight when they know they are ready to do so. In my case that absolutely applies.
I began coming two years ago and was skeptical at first that I could live eating so few calories. Now, after two years of following the programs and advice of Dr. Chhabra, I have lost 90 pounds and totally changed my life around.
My name is Luisanna . I started the program of table food with 283 pounds. This program with the guidance of Dr. Anjana Chhabra has taught me how to control the amount of calories I consume, namely balancing the proportion of carbohydrates and proteins I eat each day and different foods to help accelerate my weight loss.
Max was referred by his Pulmonologist because he had sleep apnea-he would stop breathing in his sleep. He would feel sleepy during the day. He weighed 290 pounds. Within 2 weeks he had lost more than 10 lbs and was feeling much better and his sleep apnea has resolved. After 7 months, he weighs 212 lbs and feels great.
I first came to the Institute for Weight Management under duress. I practically had to be dragged in by several members of my family. In fact, it took quite a few cancelled initial appointments before I finally got up the courage to face the truth about my weight. I must admit though even after the first appointment I was not convinced, this is what I needed to do.
I had not put this weight on overnight and had to take it off gradually in a healthy fashion. I tried over the counter items without success. After repeated failures, and feeling that this was my last and only chance, I decided to go to a weight specialist.
When I came to Doctor Chhabra’s office in September of 2005, I had several medical and lifestyle issues. I had hypertension and sleep apnea for many years. The combination of my weight and my arthritic knees made it difficult to walk without getting out of breath and stairs were even more difficult and painstakingly slow. I was always tired and uncomfortable.
More*The success stories depicted in this section are representative of these individuals only. Individual results may vary.