All Posts tagged Weight Loss Success

Chaos in Aisle Three

For weight loss, read nutrition labels

Despite our best efforts lose weight by shopping healthy at the grocery store, it can be easy to get tricked into buying foods that aren’t as good for you as they might seem. This is especially true when food manufacturers add misleading labels that may not be telling you the whole story, causing you to believe that a product is healthier than it actually is. This kind of marketing is dishonest, plain and simple, and can wreak havoc on our best dietary intentions.


Angela: 25 Pounds Lost

Angela: 25 Pounds Lost

I started coming to see Dr. Chhabra in July. I weighed close to 185 lbs. and was very uncomfortable with myself. I started losing weight almost immediately. I eat regular food and just follow Dr. Chhabra’s meal plan and advice. 3 months later, I have lost 25 lbs. I feel great and I know I […]
