All Posts tagged optifast diet

Sleeping Soundly During Medical Weight Loss

Sleeping Soundly During Medical Weight Loss

For a large portion of the population, sleeping soundly night after night is nothing more than a dream. Between busy work schedules, family obligations and medical weight loss goals, finding time to squeeze in the recommended eight hours every night is tough to do, and when your head finally does hit the pillow it is pretty rare to fall directly into a deep, comfortable sleep. Too many people fret as they toss and turn, watching the clock dwindle away those precious moments when they should be asleep.


Medical Weight Loss on the Menu

Medical Weight Loss on the Menu

Eating out is tough during a medical weight loss program. New Jersey is home to a wide array of fine restaurants, but once you dedicate yourself to losing weight those enjoyable nights out at a local eatery may seem worlds away. Even after you complete your medical weight loss program you will need to maintain healthy eating habits—and this is admittedly difficult to do when ordering from a menu.


New Jersey into a Network of Weight Loss Support – Mdslim

Using Your Lifelines

The notion of using your lifelines was made famous by the many trivia style game shows on television. The contestant might be sitting in an auditorium working their way up to being a “millionaire” or driving around in a taxi, but one thing remains pretty constant across these shows—the contestant isn’t expected to do it all on their own. They can phone a friend or ask a complete stranger on the side of the road for some support. The kindness of a stranger or the wisdom of a good friend can keep them on track to continue working towards their goal—the grand prize.


Healthy Fall Weight Loss Tips

4 Steps to Boost Your Metabolism

The leaves are falling, pumpkins are making their appearance on doorsteps and the kids are back in school. Fall is officially here, and with that comes the end of those summer weight loss plans. While the weather is warm we all plan on being outside, walking every day and using the vacation season to make the most of our medical weight loss programs.


Art of Weight Maintenance

Stay Zen as you lose weight in New Jersey

Picture yourself riding along a railway track countless miles long. Though the sights you see from the track gradually change as you move along, the track itself is always the same, never widening or narrowing. Just as the track has no starting point, it also has no end, no greater goal to attain—to run along the track is itself the purpose.


Stay Focused – Medical Weight Loss in New Jersey

Stay Positive for Medical Weight Loss by Letting the Anger Go

Think about the last time you stubbed your toe. If you are like most people, then your reaction was to let out a sharp yell, possibly with a few choice words that you try not to shout too loudly in certain company. It is hard to say why we feel the need to exclaim when we stub our toe. It isn’t as if yelling actually relieves some of the pain and frustration we feel in negative situations—or does it?


One Dog of a Weight Loss Workout

Medical Weight Loss Gone to the Dogs!

Pets do wonders for our health. Caring for any pet can reduce allergy problems for children, decrease anxiety, increase socialization and even improve heart health, but dogs top the list of furry companions when it comes to health enhancers. In fact, your dog can even help with your weight loss program. New Jersey dog owners are more likely to be up and about doing tasks and spending time with their canine companions than are those who go home to a quiet house.


Gov. Christie Talks Weight Loss

Weight Loss Program for New Jersey’s Governor

Coming to terms with your weight is a struggle for all of us, but at least most of us have the benefit of not having our weight loss struggle broadcasted on the evening news. This can’t be said for our Governor Chris Christie. All politics aside, Christie’s very public battle with weight loss makes him a relatable figure for many people, especially those participating in a weight loss program. The New Jersey Governor has had the unfortunate experience of being the butt of many political satirists’ jokes—Jimmy Kimmel even poked fun at Christie’s weight this past April at the White House Correspondent’s dinner as cameras zoomed in on Christie’s face to capture his reaction.


Exercise Turbo Boost

Medical Weight Loss with a Turbo Boost

It might sound like something out of a comic book, but researchers at Harvard Medical School think they might have found a way to boost exercise through medication, which might make for an interesting addition to programs for medical weight loss in New Jersey in the future.


Chaos in Aisle Three

For weight loss, read nutrition labels

Despite our best efforts lose weight by shopping healthy at the grocery store, it can be easy to get tricked into buying foods that aren’t as good for you as they might seem. This is especially true when food manufacturers add misleading labels that may not be telling you the whole story, causing you to believe that a product is healthier than it actually is. This kind of marketing is dishonest, plain and simple, and can wreak havoc on our best dietary intentions.
