All Posts tagged Medical Weight Loss

How to Use Fitness Apps to Boost Your Weight Loss Efforts

Fitness Apps Boost Weight Loss

If you are looking for an effective way to boost your weight loss efforts, then it is important that you track your results and use tools that are designed to maximize your weight loss. You can experience rapid and fast weight loss by using fitness apps to improve your exercise routine and watch the fat […]


Why it is Important to Log Your Food


If you want to lose weight, then you need to consider the calories that are consumed compared with the calories that you are burning each day. If you are eating ansurplus of calories on a daily basis, then you will start gaining weight. But, the problem is that many people have a hard time keeping […]


The Importance of Omega 3 Fatty Acids for Health


If you are trying to lose weight, then it is important that you manage your fat consumption. Many people mistakenly think that they should avoid fat all together, but the truth is that fat is an important part of your healthy diet. Instead of completely cutting out fat, it is better to be selective about […]


4 Steps to Boost Your Metabolism

4 Steps to Boost Your Metabolism

One of the key components to rapid and safe weight loss is boosting your metabolism, because a boosted metabolism will work throughout the day to help you get rid of excess fat. Here are a few effective steps that you can follow to increase the number of calories that you are burning: Eat a Clean Diet […]


Is Your Gym the Perfect Fit?

Is Your Gym the Perfect Fit

Exercise is essential to your weight loss program, but jumping into a consistent workout routine isn’t always easy. You’ll need to ease yourself in slowly to avoid injury and frustration, a process that can be difficult if you haven’t dedicated yourself to daily workouts in the past.


Eat Clean & Lose Weight

Eat Clean, Lose Weight

During your OPTIFAST weight loss program you won’t have to think too much about the food choices you make. Your meals are pre-planned for you by a team of nutrition experts who have compiled a nutritionally sound meal into a low calorie meal substitute. Following your OPTIFAST program, you can still take advantage of these meal substitutes, but you’ll also want to start incorporating more traditional foods into your diet.


What Leads to Weight Loss Success?

What Leads to Weight Loss Success

The OPTIFAST weight loss program is inherently different from other weight loss programs. To start, it isn’t set up around unrealistic expectations. When you start an OPTIFAST program, you know what you are walking into. There is research and the program is science-based, which can help you create realistic expectations that will help you move forward on your path to ultimate wellness.
