All Posts tagged healthy weight loss

How to Make Exercise Fun

Get More Flexible With Your Workout Routine

You know that exercise can help you lose weight. You may even know that it can help lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, improve your energy levels, and reduce your risk for depression. But if you find the idea of a workout routine boring, it’s still difficult to get motivated to exercise regularly. If you dread going to the gym but understand the importance of physical activity, check out these tips for making exercise fun.


Flax: A Healthy Source of Fiber and Nutrients

For weight loss, read nutrition labels

Have you been hearing about flax—or flaxseed—lately? There’s a good reason. This trendy seed is full of Omega 3 fatty acids, fiber and B vitamins. These important vitamins and nutrients are known to boost health throughout life. Fortunately, flax is easy to come by and easy to incorporate into a variety of foods.
